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10 Inside Jokes only Developers will Understand

The programmer got stuck in a shower because of the instructions on the shampoo state: Lather, Rinse, Repeat

It must have been really tiring to debug a code for the past 30 minutes or weeks—there’s no in-between. Since being a programmer doesn’t come easy, you need to slack off once in a while to forget the stress that your herculean tasks have caused.

Looks like only a programmer will understand what it takes to keep programming. But let’s see if you can debug these jokes!

1. Junior developer after fixing a bug.

  1. A story: Once upon a time, 3 Database SQL walked into a NoSQL bar. They walked out. Do you know why? There was no table.



  1. You will find it somewhere, someday.


  1. When you ask your developer friend to develop some feelings in your crush.


  1. But just one byte and you’re addicted.
  1. Be true, be brave, stand.
  1. There are two ways to write error-free programmes; only the third works.
  1. What? Is this what AI looks like?
  1. Don’t you know that I am a network engineer?
  1. Once you think about this you can’t unthink this.
  1. I lied. Here’s a bonus one to end your day (not) on a good note.
  1. Last one, I promise.
The programmer got stuck in a shower because of the instructions on the shampoo state: Lather, Rinse, Repeat


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