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Anniversary: 8 Years Since Nintendo Unveiled Switch, The World Awaits The Next Reveal

20th October marks the eighth anniversary of the day we first laid our eyes on the console previously known as the mysterious ‘NX’, the Nintendo Switch.

Revealed in a snappy trailer (teased in a tweet that was apparently controversial inside Nintendo) showcasing the system’s hybrid nature, the video was a dynamic introduction that showed gamers the world over how Nintendo’s next console might fit into their lives, whether sitting on a sofa or a bus or a plane – or perched on garden furniture at a rooftop hipster shindig.
The official trailer has since been privated by Nintendo, but you can still enjoy it below and bop along to White Denim’s Ha Ha Ha Ha (Yeah) via our archived version.

As we pass the eight-year mark of Switch’s reveal, Nintendo fans are on tenterhooks as we wait for the reveal of Nintendo’s next system, of which we’ve heard nary a whisper – officially, anyhow. Unofficially, the internet has been abuzz with Switch 2 rumours for literal years, and Nintendo has promised an unveiling “this fiscal year”.

If the leaks are true, we already have a pretty good idea what the console will be, but until Nintendo finally pulls back the curtain we still have no clue exactly what secrets it holds.

It’s been a ride since 2016, with the reversal of fortunes Switch brought following the quiet Wii U years and all the brilliant games the console has brought us. Take a look at the list below to remind yourself if the last eight years are a bit of a blur – and let us know in the comments if you think Switch 2’s reveal stands a chance of matching up to its predecessor.

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