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Social Media

Definitely, maybe: Facebook, the new marriage minefield?

One in seven people have contemplated divorce because their partners spend too much time on various social media platforms, a top British legal firm has revealed. (Shutterstock)

Have you felt your conjugal bliss going for a toss owing to too much intervention of the cyber space? Heave a sigh! You are not the only one!

According to a top British legal firm, one in seven Britons have contemplated divorce because their partners spend too much time on various social media platforms.

The study by Slater and Gordon Lawyers found social networking site Facebook was considered the ‘most dangerous’ space for ruining relationships.

“Five years ago, Facebook was rarely mentioned in the context of a marriage ending, but now it has become common place for clients to cite social media use or something they discovered on social media, as a reason for divorce,” Andrew Newbury, head of family law at the law firm, said in an online statement.

“We are finding that social media is the new marriage minefield,” he added.

According to the findings, while almost half of people secretly check their partner’s Facebook account, one in five also indulge in brawls related to Facebook with their partner.

Nearly 25% of married couples said they had at least one argument a week because of social media use. Nearly 17% said they fought daily over something they found online about their partner, reported.

Over 58% of the people know their partner’s log-in details. The most common reasons for checking their partner’s social media accounts was to find out who their partner was talking to and if they are honest about their social media realtion.

According to Newbury, pictures and posts on Facebook are now being routinely raised in the course of divorce proceedings.



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