The future is now
The key is to start now. All Essential Eight technologies, and many beyond, are already being used to as a source of competitive advantage by businesses today. Strategic responses to disruption involve both defensive moves to ward off risks, and proactive innovation to seize opportunities. However, to be effective, responses to disruption will need transformation across multiple dimensions. It’s not just about the technology, it’s about changing your operating model. This could mean taking a new look at fundamental enterprise elements including product and service mix, customer experience, asset base and skills. It may even mean looking outside of your own company walls. Success could as easily depend on collaboration and co-creation with other organisations as it could on monetising data, demystifying blockchain, or deploying drones.
According to a PwC study from our Polish colleagues on the commercial applications of drone technology, the emerging global market for business services using drones is valued at over $127 bn. This is the value of current business services and labour that are likely to be replaced in the very near future by drone powered solutions, according to PwC predictions.