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App to address property issues for launch Saturday

An app that will transform the real sector and boost the protection of landlords and tenants in the country, especially those in Lagos State, is in the offing.

Known as, the app, which aims to address property hiccups, is set for launch on Saturday.

A statement by the application firm’s Founder/COO, Mr. Tobi Kuti, said managing property in Lagos State, for instance, could “be a chaotic experience”.

Kuti assured Nigerians that the app would address contentious issues that usually crop up in the property market.

“From late rent payments to unaddressed maintenance issues, the challenges are real,” he said.

Kuti added: “Our app will ensure that landlords and tenants can enjoy a seamless, stress-free experience. Imagine receiving rent on time as a landlord or and resolving maintenance issues with just a few clicks as a tenant – that’s what promises.

“ addresses key problems faced by the average Lagosian in the real estate market. With features designed to enhance transparency and efficiency, this platform is set to transform the real estate ecosystem in Nigeria and beyond.

“Whether you’re a tenant looking for a new home, a landlord managing multiple properties or a property manager seeking a more efficient system, is your ultimate solution. Experience the future of property management.”


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