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Music Producer, K-Solo Blames Women For Internet Fraud & Online Sex Work In Nigeria

Nigerian music producer Solomon Oyeniyi, known popularly as K-Solo, has stirred controversy with his recent remarks attributing the prevalence of internet fraud and online sex marketing in Nigeria to women. Speaking in an interview with Arise TV, K-Solo claimed that mothers are enabling these vices and that celebrities are negatively influencing the youth. “Hook-up culture in Nigeria is now like ordering food. It’s almost normal. They even defend it by saying it happens abroad. But I think there should be rules guiding it,” K-Solo stated.

The beatmaker argued that the root of the problem often lies within the home, placing significant blame on mothers. “I’m sorry, but mothers are the biggest disasters,” he said, recounting an incident where he overheard a mother encouraging her teenage daughter to bring something home after going out dressed inappropriately for work.

K-Solo highlighted that this issue is not new, recalling how mothers were involved in collecting fraudulent proceeds when internet fraud, commonly known as “Yahoo Yahoo,” began in Nigeria. “This shouldn’t sound like I’m talking from a book. It’s what has been happening,” he asserted.

He called for more vocal opposition from women and female advocates to combat these issues. “The day mothers and female advocates start speaking against these vices more, there will be a lot of changes,” K-Solo emphasized. He also urged female celebrities to be honest about the hard work behind their luxurious lifestyles to dissuade young girls from engaging in such activities.

K-Solo’s statements have ignited a broader discussion about the role of parenting and celebrity influence in the rise of internet-related crimes and the normalization of online sex work in Nigeria.

Source :,595275.0.html

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