Instagram has rolled out an algorithm update aimed at boosting engagement for original and emerging content creators.
This change prioritises original posts over reposts, promoting a more fair platform for creators and levels the playing field for smaller accounts.
Some of the key updates include:
Smaller creators get more distribution
In the past, content on recommended surfaces was largely ranked based on how much engagement it received from an account’s followers. This often favoured accounts with large followings, giving them more visibility.
Instagram has been developing a new approach to ranking recommendations to level the playing field for all creators.
Under this new system, every piece of eligible content—meaning it’s original, follows its community guidelines, lacks visible watermarks, and meets its recommendation criteria—is initially shown to a small, targeted audience, regardless of whether they follow the account or not.
Replacing reposts with original content
If Instagram identifies identical content, they will prioritise recommending the original post over reposted ones. This change affects recommendation areas like explore, reels, and in-feed suggestions. Creators will be notified if their content is replaced.
Second, if the platform finds reposted content, they’ll add a label linking back to the original creator. This label will be visible to the followers of the account reposting it.
Removing aggregators from recommendations
Instagram aims to discourage aggregator accounts by excluding them from account and content recommendations.
Accounts that frequently (10 or more times in the last 30 days) repost content without adding significant value won’t appear in recommendation areas.
These accounts can regain eligibility after 30 days without reposting content, and they can appeal through their account status. This change won’t affect publishers with licensing agreements or explicit permissions from content creators.